An art center aiming for the creative revitalization of remote islands by repurposing the former junior high school building on Momoshima, through collaborative artistic endeavors led by artist Yukinori Yanagi.
Onomichi Channel Project

Urban design projects directed by Yanagi in Onomichi and the Bingo area.
Gallery Cafe ULTRA

A renovation project that converted a vacant facility into an art gallery and cafe in the shopping arcade of Onomichi, Hiroshima.
Sumiya Kiho-an

A reimagining of the lobby and one of the guest rooms at Sumiya, a long-standing inn in Kyoto, featuring artwork by Yanagi and traditional crafts by local artisans. The name Hakutai (hundred generations) is in reference to the eternal travelers from Li Bai’s poem The Spring Evening Banquet in the Peach and Pear Blossom Garden.
Nyukon House

廃校になったまま残されていた熊本県芦北郡津奈木町の赤崎小学校のスイミングプールを、アートと一体化した宿泊施設にリノベーションしたプロジェクト。水俣ゆかりの文筆家、石牟礼道子の詩「入魂」に着想した柳幸典のアート空間と、小さな動植物の世界を同じ目線で体験するアートに生まれ変わったスイミングプール。そして不知火海を撮影し続けた W・ユージン&アイリーン・スミスの写真が展示された特別な空間が、壊れやすい自然について思索を促す装置としての宿。
Team – EN
YANAGI + ART BASE is a collaborative team of creative minds working together to realize Yanagi’s ideas.
Anjwa-Island Project

Grand design project across the entire island that includes the art-site and features a restaurant, ticket office, and greenhouse.

YANAGI + ART BASE is a collaborative team of creative minds working together to realize Yanagi’s ideas.